Thursday, 29 September 2011

Blogging Carnival on Bilingualism - September 2011

We are starting the Blogging Carnival on Bilingualism this month in the land of the rising sun:

Jenn at Perogies & Gyoza goes to the library and has a big surprise in A Bittersweet Milestone.

Some time later, the sun rises in Singapore:

Cordelia at Multilingual Mama hears her daughter speak Singlish and muses about dialects in “Por Favor LAH” : Singlish, Ebonics, and the role of different dialects.

While people in the Far East go about their day, the first Europeans get out of their cosy, warm beds:

From I can't even think of a title comes a start of a language learning diary in Mbukka-mbukka? (Can I have a piece of that cubumber please?)

Sabina over at Bilingua per Gioco tries to boost the minority language by sending her son to a school in Berlin in Organising a study period abroad, primary school.

Roxana at SpanglishBaby shares three strategies that should help your kids become bilingual in Bilingual Babies: The Sooner, The Better.

Giovanna at Italo Bimbi assures us that bilinguals are not more likely to forget their languages when they grow old in Languages can be forgotten.

Jen at Trilingual Trio is amazed by having the politest baby in the world in Polite baby!

Annabelle at Lingula clears up a few things about babbling in When daddy really means Daddy: Babbles are not words.

Maria at Busy as a Bee in Paris explains how their "2 weeks per language" system works in The mechanics of switching between languages.

Bonne Maman over at Our Non-Native Bilingual Adventure sees what she's up against in Is there such a thing as the perfect balance?

Solnushka at Verbosity has to make a choice in On education, education, education and sacrifice.

The day draws to an end for most people on Earth, but the population of the Americas only just wakes up:

Smashedpea at Intrepidly Bilingual tells the tale of her daughter's biliteral progress in Budding Biliteracy.

Elizabeth at La Mother Tongue shares English words with her daughter and makes her laugh in Bedtime Stories of a Language Nerdo's Child.

Lynn at Open Hearts, Open Minds wonders whether her 2-year-old likes Spanish class or not in La Clase de EspaƱol.

Salma at Chasing Rainbow wonders whether a language should be judged by its value in What's wrong with Kiswahili?.

Sarah at Bringing up Baby Bilingual tells us how her boy creatively describes words he doesn't know in look who's circumlocuting!.

From Molly comes an article about recent findings at the University of Washington at Bilingual babies' vocabulary linked to early brain differentiation.

By now the world is tired and mostly asleep, ready for the East to rise again soon. The carnival is over and it was so big this month that I decided to start a new tradition: I will not add one of our own articles.

Thanks for reading, and have a good night!


  1. Btw... not including a BabelKid post means there is no contribution whatsoever from any man!

    That is just not acceptable, guys! Get writing!

  2. Thank you for hosting! Looks like another great collection of ideas, stories, and inspiration.

  3. Working my way through the posts. Lots of great ones, thanks!

  4. Thanks for all of the great sites to look through!! We are raising our 4 kids to be bilingual Spanish-English, with a little Mandarin thrown in:). Fascinating and incredibly useful to hear from other parents!


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