Wednesday, 7 November 2012

BombFire night

Every Autumn, the English celebrate Bonfire night, or as my four-year old girl appropriately calls it, BombFire night.
Fireworks can be seen and heard all over, from the end of October, culminating in huge bonfires and firework displays on the 5th of November: Guy Fawkes Night.

Incidentally, our third daughter was born on the 5th of November. So for the last two years, we have been celebrating her birthday with fireworks in the garden. How cool is this?

I choose to believe that the whole of England celebrates my daughter's birthday, rather than an obscure failed coup some 400 years ago!

So happy birthday to my bonfire child!


  1. I think your daughter has the right idea with "bombfire" night! :) And I agree that the country must be celebrating her birthday. My son was born on New Year's Eve, so I'd like to think that everyone is throwing a big party for him!

  2. Love that..."Bombfire Night!"´s so cute! Hope she had a lovely birthday!

    1. Yes, BK3 had a lovely time thank you. She only watched the fireworks from inside though, she was scared of the noise.

  3. So sweet that there are fireworks every year on your daughter's birthday! How special for her - and yes BombFire is pretty cute!

    1. Yes, funnily enough we only noticed the coincidence of her birthday with bonfire night after people started remarking on it...


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